Horror Film Treatment

Horror Film Treatment

Title: Seven Deadly Sisters

Writers: Aisling, Lauren and Antonia

Log–Line: Seven Deadly Sisters is a grind-house horror film which follows a group of orphaned sisters as they form a revenge plan to make their father pay for what he did to them and their mother. In the process of avenging their mum, the sisters themselves start being killed off.

Synopsis: We meet the seven sisters and we learn that the sisters plot the murders of men who they have witnessed being at least the slightest bit mean to women. We learn why and how they think it helps with the grief of losing their mother to their abusive father. We are also introduced to the sisters individually and we start to get an idea about the sins that each of them represent.
The sisters start to receive small hand written notes which threaten their own deaths. It is clear that the notes are from one of the sisters themselves, so they shrug it off as just a silly note. This is until the first of the sisters is found dead. The sisters start to fight about it, blaming each other. The death of her sister brings back old memories for Gwen who struggles with yet another loss for the family. The other sisters start to get killed off one by one.

The sisters keep bickering and once the sixth sister has been murdered the killer is the only one left alive. We find out that she’s been in contact with the father (who is in prison at the time) and that he has been showering her in presents to make sure she does as he instructs. She underestimates what he has done to the mother and the eldest of the sisters. 
