9th+10th December: Filming weekend

On the Saturday we met up with two of the sisters in one of our house locations and filmed some of the scenes where they have arguments with each other, Gwen’s close-ups and the scene where Penny drowns the teddy in the bath. We feel like these scenes went very well and the only problem we really cane across was the lighting that same into the room and our actors getting the giggles. The drowning scene went really well and it looks really cool. Our actor drowned the teddy really slowly, so the bubbles that come out of it look really good.

On the Sunday we had planned to meet up with the sister playing Kath and film her close-ups and individual parts of the trailer. However we woke up to heavy snow. We did consider still going out and filming because we though that the snow would make it it look pretty cool, so we gave the decision to the actor who decided to not film that day. We were all secretly relieved. None of us really wanted to brave the cold to film in a playground. 
